Low Cost Community Mental Health
Austin Travis County Integral Care
Bluebonnet Trails (Williamson County)
Open Path Psychotherapy Collective
Podcasts, Sites, and Videos
Connectfulness Practice Podcast
Gabor Mate video- How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
Holistic Psychologist Podcast - Selfhealers Soundboard
Survival Strategies - Overview of Disconnection Styles
TED talk- Effects of ACES on Health across the Lifespan
Transforming Trauma- NARM podcast
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents - Lindsay Gibson
The Body Keeps the Score- Bessel Van Der Kolk
Growing Yourself Up - Jenny Brown PhD
The Heart of Trauma - Bonnie Badenoch
How to be an Adult in Relationships - David Richo
A Path with Heart - Jack Kornfield
The Practical Guide to Healing Developmental Trauma - Heller & Kammer
Radical Acceptance - Tara Brach
Vibrate Higher Daily - Lalah Delia
Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine